Thursday, April 27, 2006
Alberto Gonzales Likes the Podium. Stages Fugitive Round-Up Rather Than Just Doing Job Well
I like seeing fugitives round up as much as the next guy, because . . . well . . . they're fugitives. However, the massive round-ups for the news camera seem to fall somewhere between political stunts, and just plain irresponsible for me. Why? Because clearly the government knew where these fugitives were in the lead-up to the round-up, so why not just grab them ASAP? For example, don't you think they could have caught this guy a couple minutes earlier:Reginald Dozier, 39, was arrested in Belleville, Ill., at 12:01 a.m. on April 17, the first minute of the operation, for failing to register as a sex offender. Dozier had earlier been convicted of raping a girl younger than 13 and giving her gonorrhea.
I know it doesn't make for headline news stories, but I'm more interested in seeing a functioning government than Alberto Gonzales at a podium.
Just do you job, Gonzales.
More Than 9,000 Fugitives Caught in a Week - Yahoo! News
Ten years to the day after allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl, a California man was arrested in a roundup of fugitives that law enforcement officials say snared more than 1,100 sex offenders.
The concentrated search for people wanted for federal, state and local crimes "targeted the worst of the worst," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Thursday at a news conference announcing the results of "Operation Falcon II."
Authorities arrested 9,037 people April 17 to last Sunday in a 27-state dragnet led by the U.S. Marshals Service and timed to coincide with National Victims Rights Week. Among those apprehended were 1,102 people wanted for violent sex crimes or failure to register as sex offenders.
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