
Wednesday, May 26, 2004

corrente / Leah, Lambert, Tresy & the farmer 

If this administration lies about things when there isn't even an inkling of justification for a lie, how can we trust them to tell the truth when it comes to important stuff? Oh wait. We can't. That's as well documented at the lie behind Bush's bike crash.

Bush bike accident: They say recent rain explains it, but they're lying : "Trent Duffy, a White House spokesman, immediately offered excuses for his boss. 'It's been raining a lot, and the topsoil is loose,' he said.
(via WaPo)

YABL. Alert reader Mark looked up the National Weather Service report for Waco, TX, near Crawford, here. There's been no rain at all for a week. "

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Pentagon Solves Prisoner Abuse Photo 'Problem' 

It took the Pentagon less than a month to prevent another Abu Ghraib prison photo situation. How did they solve it? By banning camera phones in Iraq. And to make sure there aren't any future photos of similar abuses in other areas of the world by US troops, Donald Rumsfeld plans on rolling this policy out to the entire US military.

If this guy Rumsfeld is not comfortable allowing his policies to be documented, he needs to step down immediately. America's strength is tarnished through secrecy.

To put it another way, American's too often have no idea why so many people in the world hate us. By censoring the consequences of our leader's policies, we end up with an uninformed democracy, which is a very dangerous thing.

Yahoo! News - Rumsfeld bans camera phones in Iraq: report:

"LONDON (AFP) - Cellphones fitted with digital cameras have been banned in US army installations in Iraq (news - web sites) on orders from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a business newspaper reported. "

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